May 14, 2010

Rainy Holiday Weekend

Yesterday was a religious holiday here in Bavaria (not so unusual, there are something like 13 religious holidays per year here) and today was supposed to be a regular work day for us. However, Greg and I both have this day off so we get to spend a normal workday together hanging out for once. Thankfully, the rain has stopped for a little. May has been an unceasingly rainy month so far (except for maybe a few nice days).

This afternoon we're going to head over to check out the festivities going on downtown for the international christian day (or something like that). Apparently, this is a big festival that's held every year around the world and this time, Munich's the host city. Not that the topic is that interesting to us, but there will be music and things to do all around.

After that, we plan to stop by a few galleries that are having cool shows right now - photographs of icebergs, graffiti art and blended photographs. I like to see what art is going on in real-life rather than just what's in the museums, preserved in its importance. Then, we will make a stop at the Munich Readery, a second-hand English bookstore, and meet our friends Ingrid and Malcolm for dinner at the Israeli restaurant, Eclipse. That's our plan for today - how much of that will actually be accomplished, who knows?!?

Tomorrow, we hope to go to Nuremburg for a long day of sight-seeing. I'll post updates when we return of course!

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